date: 31 august 2009
time: 50 minutes past three
hello again my followers or readers….for those still faithfully waiting for my updates, i say thank u and sorry since it is been 2-3months not updating the blog…sorry again
referring to the title for this entry, it called hurry update because of all the event and emotion for the writing were compressed untill it posted….ahaha…it is good feeling that what i type rite now because merapik or out of words which will makes u confused or puzzled “what this crazy talking or write about”
long go short, this is the end of august. this is mean i already employed almost a month. yeah u heard what i said…i got employed by small consultant company called Perunding IRMZ. the consultant job really enjoyable but it makes u have to work harder because following dateline with the contractor or the person. oh i forgot what company i worked with is all about. my company is consultant for Mechanical and Electrical for building. to make it simpler to understand, i worked a company with civil background…yes it really go far what i thought or learn in university but i believe that consultant company is my priority of job offer rather than working in factory.
the 31st august really mean to muslim. it been a week we been fasting for holy month. the month of Ramadan month the waited for all muslim instead of syawal, month of hapinees…….i kept remind to myself and others, keep on hunting ‘pahala’ or merit because all good deeds will be rewarded by Allah swt…….
the end of august also mean that we already independence for 52years. happy merdeka for all malaysian and people who will grad after 4 years struggle in the tertiary education. for those already convocation, congratulation i wish for all of u..but for me my convo will be next year because of this subject i did not pass. waaaa what a headache for me since 2 jobs came at one time….work and study at same time..but not master study but unfinished study for degree…..waa~…
last but not least…tomorrow 1st september 2009, price of oil are increased 5 sen and the gred of oil also decrease….the decreased oil but same price…aiya~