date: 15/01/2009
time: 6.30pm

ok people...this is a class presented by me...haha~

just want to share my thoughts of software review on blog for those people using webpages (i.e: open or login in the and click create new post), there is another option for people who hate to use it....

i already found another software which is fast, reliable and good for those involving in blogging activities, but really-really hate to use web posting method (like me~hahaha) since the page is slow for everthing; from loading (dont mention about slow internet connection!),upgrading and cut the crap and continue reading...

this post is created using ScribeFire Blog editor....version used is v3.1.6 (which is according to this page). this program i think is not too heavy since it function as add-on to firefox browser..yes! as mention, this program function as add-on at firefox, not internet explorer (which is i not prefer most, who can compete the best browser in the world...hahaha). so far installation time for this program is quick (which i did not remembered).

then jump to the usage. firstly the user have to open firefox browser. then, after firefox open just hit F8 button and wallla...the program will run automatically and you will see as pic below..

the function is WYSIWYG (what u see is what u get)...mean here for those people are fail in coding hompage or your knowledge base is good as microsoft word user (like me...hahaha)...that why using blog editor like this or previous is better rather than using weblog posts (which is slow, take time and make u think....when this gonna end while writing), so i prefer you to use this program.

now come back to the related post....even this ScribeFire editor is good, but for me is Windows Live Writer is better since the WYSIWYG is great. just imagine the program itself loading the blog template in your writer and editing also so simple...

so those people enjoying writing in blog (not forget to mention that Firefox lovers..)just get this software loaded into your browser...and matter of blogging is matter of time to express it....

Pro: this software have simple interface and the RAM support not to high, easy to use, have blog entries edited, able to save freely

Cons: the program works in firefox browser only

My rating: 4 out of 5